Dear Soon-to-Be Famous Friend:
Next time a potential employer – a client – or a prospect asks to see your resume or credentials ...
... imagine how impressed they'll be when you tell them, "You can just look me up in Who's Who."
For over a century, inclusion in Who's Who directories has been recognized as a singular mark of success and distinction.
But what not one person in a thousand realizes is that there are dozens of different version's of Who's Who out there.
Some of these directories are highly selective ... and accept new candidates strictly by "invitation only."
Others are far less restrictive – and openly invite you to nominate yourself for inclusion.
But the average person on the street doesn't know one Who's Who from another....
To the public, all Who's Who directories are equally prestigious ... and your inclusion in any of them distinguishes you as someone at the top of your field, industry, or profession.
Our manual, Get Listed in Who's Who, has only one purpose:
To help you identify which Who's Who directories you qualify for ... and show you how to gain instant fame and credibility in your market – by getting listed in their next edition.
Is Who's Who legitimate – or a marketing scam?
"Is being listed in Who's Who really an honor?" a colleague asked me when she head I was publishing a guide to getting into Who's Who. "Or is it just a marketing scam by publishers trying to make a quick buck off people's ego and vanity?"
The answer is that not all Who's Who directories are equal. Some are elite and extremely picky about who they nominate ... while a few are fly-by-night imitators just out to profit from the sale of their books to members.
In Get Listed in Who's Who, author Nurit Mittlefehldt shows you how to spot the "questionable" Who's Who directories.
However, she told me that getting listed in ANY Who's Who is an impressive credential as far as John Q. Public is concerned.
So it doesn't really matter all that much WHICH of these books you get listed in. Getting in at least one Who's Who – any Who's Who – should be your goal, as far as self-promotion and credibility are concerned.
"It isn't important if the directories are valuable or not," says Nurit in her guide, Get Listed in Who's Who.
"The fact is that you can impress the vast majority of people telling them you are in Who's Who. That's why it's worth your while to get yourself listed. It will help you establish your credibility and visibility.
"The point of Who's Who directories is not really to read them, but to be in them. If possible, side by side with famous and important people."
How to stand out in a crowded, competitive world
The average entrepreneur or self-employed professional works like heck just to make a good living ... and has to sell tirelessly to generate enough business to keep his or her cash flow steady.
But Donald Trump was recently paid a million dollars to give one talk ... and he never has to go out and sell himself: he has people waiting in line, bombarding him with offers – for TV shows, speeches, books, and business deals of all sorts.
What's the reason why Donald Trump has it so much easier than the rest of us?
It's simple....
Donald Trump is a recognized guru in his field (which happens to be real estate) ... and most of us are not.
You know that in every market niche, industry, or human endeavor, most participants are running in the middle of the pack.
They make a decent living – but it isn't easy. They work hard to attract the opportunities, contracts, and customers they need. It never seems to come easy.
But also in every area, there are a few people who don't struggle like that ... because they are recognized as the leading experts or "gurus" in their field.
There are many things you can do (see boxed article below) to gain recognition as a credible expert.
But few match the name recognition ... and prestige ... of being listed in a Who's Who book.
Now, in Getting into Who's Who, you get everything you need to enjoy this prestigious honor for yourself....

Becoming an instant guru in your
field – once difficult, now easy!
In our guide, Get Listed in Who's Who, you will discover everything you need to know to get listed in the next edition of Who's Who – and how to exploit it to your advantage -- including:
- How to make sure everybody – including the major magazines and newspapers in your industry or town – knows about your new Who's Who listing. Page 37.
- There's a Who's Who that's looking for people like you to list – and you can find it in the mini-directory starting on page 20.
- Why getting listed in a Who's Who is the most powerful – and affordable – self-promotion you can do this year. Page 12.
- The 5 different types of Who's Who books – and which is right for you. Page 3.
- How to turn your new Who's Who listing into a profit or career windfall. Page 16.
- Why Who's Who is happy to list you ... without charging you a dime. Page 9.
- 7 reasons why getting into Who's Who today can yield big dividends tomorrow. Page 15.
- Look who's reading Who's Who! Your listing can help you tap into a whole new market. Page 6.
- Who's Who wants to sell you something. But it's not your listing, which is free. Here's what they DO want to sell you ... and why you might want to buy. Page 10.
- Tips for profitable networking with your fellow high-powered Who's Who members. Page 12.
- "At-a-glance" Who's Who comparison guide. Know which directory is best for you in seconds. Page 40.
- Is the whole Who's Who business one big marketing gimmick? Why it doesn't matter. Page 1.
- Beware of rip-offs from Who's Who look-alikes: 6 questions the Better Business Bureau advises you to ask before you agree to a listing. Page 18.
- How to get listed in Who's Who online. Page 36.
- This Who's Who lets you nominate yourself for inclusion online. And it's one of the easiest to get into. We give the Web site address on page 4.
- And much, much more....
Use it risk-FREE for 90 days!
If, after reviewing Get Listed in Who's Who, you don't agree that our guide gives you a huge leg up on others who want to get listed in these important credibility-boosting directories....
Or you are not 100% satisfied for any reason – or for no reason at all – just let me know within 90 days.
I'll refund your $29 payment in full. No questions asked.
And you can keep Get Listed in Who's Who FREE, with my compliments.
That way, you risk nothing.
So, what are you waiting for?
In 90 days, you could be no closer to your dream of being a recognized guru in your field than you are right now.
Or, you could be holding a letter ... like the one I received last month (reproduced in Get Listed in Who's Who) ... informing me that I am being considered for inclusion in yet another edition of Who's Who.
It's entirely up to you.
To order Get Listed in Who's Who on a 90-day risk-free trial basis, click below now:

Bob Bly
P.S. Quick-Response Bonus! Order Get Listed in Who's Who today and you get a FREE Special Report, How to Do Your Own Public Relations (list price: $29).
In it, you'll discover:
- How to distribute a press release online at little or no cost - page 71.
- How to get feature stories published in trade journals - page 4.
- 29 ready-to-use story ideas for your next e-zine or newsletter - page 18.
- How to get and use testimonials in your advertising - page 21.
- Using PR to unearth new prospects at virtually no cost - page 15.
- Tips for promoting yourself through public speaking and seminars - page 27.
- How to become a published book author - page 30.
- How to write killer press releases - page 57.
Best of all, my FREE PR report is yours to keep, even if you return my Who's Who manual for refund.
So what are you waiting for? To order Getting into Who's Who ... and get your FREE Special Report ... just click below now: